Per Sowetan in South Africa, "Friday's eagerly-awaited opening of ticket sales for the 2010 World Cup is a milestone, once more confirming that the event is definitely coming to South Africa."
Twitter users in South Africa have generated a significant buzz in recent hours about the sale of these tickets.
@guznuname (Cape Town, South Africa): The FIFA 2010 World Cup tickets are going on sale this week! Amazing!
A man in Johannesburg tweeted from a unique perspective leading up to the sales date.
@ChrisOnderstall (Johannesburg, South Africa): Busy busy working on a video outlining the 2010 World Cup ticketing process.. Watch out for it on Friday on Shine 2010
The official Twitter account for the 2010 World Cup announced that a certain number of tickets will be held exclusively for locals.
@Shine2010 (Johannesburg, South Africa): 11% of all 2010 World Cup tickets will be exclusively held for South African residents
But not all tweets were upbeat. A global marketing organization with an affiliate in the nation calmed the news a bit.
@PalmerstonSAF (Cape Town, South Africa): would like to be the first to let you know that organizers fear that the global recession will impact ticket sales for the world cup 2010.
South Africans weren't the only ones on Twitter with an eye on tickets.
@alexkess (Sydney, Australia): Ticketing process for the 2010 World Cup is starting tomorrow. I think I'll be there! Who else is going?
@clayco (San Francisco, Calif.): planning a trip and rounding up a crew for S. Africa World Cup in 2010. You down? You Going? Let me know

Excitement builds for 2010 World Cup ticket sales