May 2, 2009

Celtics-Bulls Game 7 Tweet Log

Series over, and the Boston Celtics advance. We chronicled key story lines here all game long. Have a look back at the highs and lows of this game for fans of both teams.

Final reaction is pouring in, here's some tweets:

  1. Kellye Andrews
    _kellye #Celtics win! Perfect end to the best first round series in recent memory, if not ever. #Magic watch out, here we come.
  2. Shawn Forsyth
    sforsyth01 What a series by the #Celtics and the #Bulls. Great series. Here's to hoping the rest of the #NBA Playoffs are this good.
  3. Will Herman
    willherman Celtics outwork Bulls to take the series. Wild first round playoff. Better foul shooting would have made it easier. Go Celts!
  4. supermanrr
    supermanrr i cant believe the bulls lost. at least they dragged it out 7. if the celtics make it the ECF, i hope the cavs demoralize them
  5. ןןoɔsıɹp uıʌǝʞ
    desconcentrado nuf respect to bulls fans but you can't beat the #celtics in boston! perk==beast. scal, house steppin up so heavy. keep it poppin!
  6. Trumaine Smith
    Hollywood_Trey No matter what says about this #Celtics win...#Bulls played harder then ANY TEAM in #NBA #Playoffs thus far. PERIOD!

That controversial point we mentioned back in the first quarter? Refs have just awarded it to the Bulls -- yes, in the fourth:

  1. Miguel
    miguelmolinajr HOLY CRAP, 2 hours later, the Bulls get their point back.
  2. James R. Fridie III
    JRFIIIEsq The Bulls are getting calls in Boston that no one gets, they get credit for a point 3 quarters later!!! Gtfoh!!
  3. Shay Howe
    letscounthedays Bulls get an extra point in the fourth. Awesome!

Kirk Henrich with a big 3-pointer, as Chicago keeps it close in the 4th:

  1. chris
    chrisestrada Captain Kirk is saving the #bulls! This is still a ball game! #celtics #nba
  2. noarienks
    noarienks #Bulls need to step it up, get the ball to hinrich!

Bulls fans looking to Big Ben to save their playoff life:

  1. Matt Clapp
    sharapovasthigh Got half the points back in that quarter. Time for a classic Ben Gordon 4th.
  2. Matt Jones
    matthewjones23 That's what I'm talking about Ben Gordon, get hot, do work son! #Bulls

End of three, 78-71. Seven point game in game seven. What say the tweets?

  1. Sopa
    ssoun126 Cmon bulls pick it up!! Yes 7 pt game!!!!!!!!!
  2. rpm
    nodaybuttoday08 seven point game! #Bulls
  3. catholic_lib
    catholic_lib Celtics...will the luck of the Irish prevail??? Up seven at the end of the third.

Joakim Noah just took down Rajon Rondo. More than 250 "Noah" tweets in seconds. We picked four:

  1. Julie Bogart
    julieunplugged noah hurls rondo to the ground. Not flagrant.... hmmmm
  2. Ty B.
    tyshae21 ...ay, what just happened to Rondo?.....Noah just yanked the crap outta him!!!!!
  3. TroyPatterson
    TroyPatterson Noah is a punk as usual
  4. D_Light
    D_Light as much as I don't care 4 Noah, I don't really think that was an intentionally dirty play

Out guest Tweeter at drops in with this halftime analysis:

  1. NBAtipoff
    NBAtipoff Bulls need more movement of the ball and a strong offensive performance from rose and Gordon if they want 2 win. Also, win the 50-50 plays
  2. NBAtipoff
    NBAtipoff The bulls also need 2 have the pace of the 1st quarter. They play better when the game's faster. The c's will win a halfcourt game

Halftime, 52-38 edge for Boston. What did Twitterers think of the first half?

  1. Melissa M. Fowlkes
    skeehoney08 feeling like I just watched the entire basketball game and it was just the first half....
  2. cashewredneck
    cashewredneck Bulls gotta hit their free throws! Down 12 at the half. Come on Bulls! #game 7
  3. Tamara Horton
    marafromci IS THE 2ND HALF WORTH WATCHING??????????????
  4. Flixx
    2xR boston lookin sharp right now......2nd half bulls gotta turn it up..lets go ben...make it a game!
  5. Kisha Williamson
    fashionista_k Bulls are ruining my night.. Come on second half

Turnovers have Celtics pulling away, 50-38. Less than a minute in the half.

  1. KobiWanBryant
    KobiWanBryant Brad miller with a turnover.. Call me nostradamus
  2. Jen
    jennyjenjen Another turnover for Chicago. Big surprise... #bulls #celtics

Eddie House and Scalabrene getting plenty of love:

  1. Jason Howarth
    sportsmktgguy Loving the way Scal and House are playing Go #Celtics!!!
  2. Dan St. Peter
    danstpeter Eddie in the House! #fb #celtics

Now the tide's turning - 46-38 Celtics.

  1. NI$E
    nise954 I told yall about them Celtics boi!!!!!!
  2. Diane Brooks
    NEfan4life @Willie_Day26 Bulls are looking really unorganized right now. Bos 44- Chi 38.
    Celtics are killing them..

Score says 36-36 but Chicago's winning the fight on Twitter Trends so far. "Go Bulls" is trending...

  1. Sammy
    samslade Damn I hope the Bulls can do this! Lets GO Bulls....
  2. Tamikca  Reed
    tamikca_renee Chicago all day long!!!!!!!!!!! Go Bulls!

The battle on Twitter is just heating up, as first quarter ends.

  1. Adam Pieniazek
    AdamPieniazek @ladysongz87 The game is already on! 27-23 Bulls at the end of the 1st quarter Go #celtics
  2. Derek Stewart
    dcorporateman END of 1st quarter. Bulls up! LETS GO!

Paul Pierce came to play. Ties it 18-18.

  1. Mike Remy
    mr1derful83 Paul Pierce is gonna go NUTS tonight!
  2. Joey Millwood
    JoeyMillwood @itstopcat @aroundthehorn Paul Pierce is just sick! At what point does he get MVP respect?
  3. RiCh sOLe
    thisrichsole How Abouht That Paul Pierce Character ? ! Go CeLtiCs !!

Some controversy already. Why not? Maybe a flagrant will be next.

  1. Milena Pantic
    MilenaPantic @chicagobulls @MilenaPantic @luvalawa shouldn't the score be one point greater? Didn't BG hit a three?
  2. Evan Brown

Bulls 9-2 run to start game...Ben Gordon and Derrick Rose red hot:

  1. Mr. Grinch
    liveguy Dawg...Rose be hoopin', man! #nba #bulls
  2. Mr. Grinch
    liveguy Benny "the microwave" Gordon came to play! #nba #bulls

If Celtics fans were hoping Kevin Garnett would make a Moses-like appearance and dress for the game, not happening:

  1. Rob Manker
    RobManker Celtics GM Danny Ainge thwarts rumor Kevin Garnett would make heroic comeback in Game 7 tonight against the Bulls.
  2. Jeff Mac Donell
    jeffmacdonell Kevin Garnett aka Willis Reed? Not according to Doc. Game 7 is now!


Favre coming out of retirement ...again? Vikings coach says he may pursue former Jets quarterback

Is he or isn't he?

First Brett Favre retired and left the Green Bay Packers only to return to the game as the quarterback for the New York Jets.

Now Favre says he's retired again (his statement claims he is retired "at this time"), but reports indicate he may jump ship to Minnesota.

Per, Vikings coach Brad Childress would not directly state that his team was pursuing Favre, but he did say they wouldn't rule out the possibility.

"We haven't. It doesn't mean we won't," Childress said. "We talk about everything, from what's going on in the United States on the front page today. ... So, yeah, I'm sure we'll talk about that."

Favre's private jet was also spotted in Minneapolis this week, leading to speculation that the veteran quarterback may be in talks about joining the Vikings.

The Twitterverse reacted to the possibility of Favre returning to the game once again for a different team:

  1. anthony
    ajfiori brett favre has the same disease as benjamin button so expect a comeback this year
  2. dr_oo
    dr_oo Can't wait until Brett Favre is in a Vikings uniform simply because all thise cheese heads will be irate
  3. Chaz Brown
    mvpballplayer2 Why are these teams still interested in Brett Favre...
  4. Erin P
    Qommie Why won't Favre go away?
  5. Jason Jordan
    mrjordan22 Mark down this prediction. favre will play again. unfortunately for the Vikings
  6. Sean Wilson
    seanwilsonorg Here is hoping Bret Favre comes back into football! Only the learned of the game know he can still play. Why must I educate everyone?
  7. Erik Manassy
    e_man SIGH* Look, I'm a Jets fan and was thrilled to get Favre, BUT PLEASE PLEASE don't try another comeback! YOU ARE DONE!
  8. Octavia
    annna8 Brett Favre in purple? I'd LOVE it!
  9. Jon Heyman
    SI_JonHeyman does anyone doubt favre will be a viking? i am starting to see now why the packers bosses despised him -- and they did despise him
  10. schwenkenaomi
    schwenkenaomi : Viking rookie camp today!! Oh, and Got Favre? His private jet was at MSP this week!?
