@bdunc1 posted this TwitPic of the damage:

Tweets from the Dallas area are adding context to the story:
crissyhenry The roof of the Dallas Cowboys' training stadium just collapsed withe people inside, including fans who were watching practice. Scary. Studley Tonado touched town in Irving, damaging the Cowboys facility. Power went out briefly here in Dallas. BigDaveP #tcot news says cowboys players and coaches all accounted for, but 50-80 ppl injured... kimberlyjsmith OMG. Rumored tornado hit Cowboys practice field in VR... son and I were JUST THERE having ice cream not 1/4 mile away! Scary. Miss_TNT is praying for all involved in roof collapse at valley ranch during cowboys training camp jmiller8191 Watching Kentucky Derby when JJones broke the news of Valley Ranch roof collapse during Cowboys practice. Ch 11 footage is amazing!