Following Burwell's bomb, @armybrat485 loaded this twitpic of the celebration from Comerica Park.

"Home run #Tigers! Ryan Burwell with a 3-run bomb."
Featured Twitpic - Tigers claim top spot in AL Central
4cast4you What a good horse race! I think if the Preakness was as long as the Kentucky Derby, we'd be talking about triple crown chances right now. 16 May 2009 from TwitterBerry ynotkissme #Preakness Boy, that was an exciting race! I think it has all 2 do with the jockey! My horse came in 3rd so glad I didn't bet for real 2 win 16 May 2009 from TwitterFon kenkobel wow, great Preakness. I hope a lot of non-horse racing fans got to see that race and realize how great the sport is. 16 May 2009 from web gregzimmerman Wow! Great Preakness run! Too bad for Mine That Bird but great run for Rachel Alexandra! 16 May 2009 from TweetDeck
ctgirl4life Woohoo!! Rachel Alexandra wins the Preakness! And who said the girls can't run with the boys?! :o) 16 May 2009 from web klwurth Just watched Rachel Alexandra win the Preakness. Way to run like a girl! 16 May 2009 from Spaz agardina Rachel Alexandra wins the Preakness! And to think, race officials said "only women" would bet on her. Guess they were a little off! 16 May 2009 from Seesmic Desktop anisahmichael Philly "Rachel Alexandra" beats Kentucky Derby winner "Mine That Bird" and the rest of the boys in the Preakness Stakes! Good girl! 16 May 2009 from Twitterrific
Rachel Alexandra wins Preakness Stakes