Loyal fans tweeted throughout the game. The differing viewpoints as the game ended were staggering.
@damer1 (Phoenix, Ariz.): Heartbreaker.
@dpbkmb (Pittsburgh, Pa.): Pop! Fizzzzzzzz... Asti. What a relief.
Some tweeted from the game itself, such as @mattbacak.
@mattbacak (Atlanta, Ga.): @drkenny it's not the best pic but it is one -> http://twitpic.com/1aiep
Then there were the celebrities, like M.C. Hammer (@MCHammer), who tweeted from his second-row seats, and Ashton Kutcher (@aplusk), who had tweeting troubles.
@MCHammer (Bay Area, Calif.): SB Pics http://twitpic.com/1aicr
@aplusk (Los Angeles, Calif.): We r here! I'm in a dead zone no wifi bummer