March 27, 2009

Olympic torch relay scrapped

Per Sky News Australia, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has decided to end the practice of international Olympic torch relays.

The Associated Press reports the decision was taken at an IOC meeting in Denver, after protests in several locations during the pre-Beijing Olympics torch relay last year.

Twitterers from Hawaii to New Zealand - and Olympic cities like Athens and Munich weigh in:

  1. schwefl
    schwefl (Munich, Germany) no more runs for the olympic torch over the world, that might be the first good decision the ioc made since years.
  2. Simon HB
    norock (Milton Keynes, England) Olympic Committee decide to stop doing torch relays after the China protests. Rather than being more careful who gets chosen to host.
  3. Travis
    TravisDST (Hawaii, USA) Apparently the International Olympic Committee is banning torch relays because of the incidents in last year's.
  4. Stratos Safioleas
    stratosathens (Athens, Greece) No more international torch relay during the Olympic Games. It started with Athens and it ended with Beijing. #sportacccord
  5. Megan Rose
    vanrose (Oamaru, New Zealand) Completely forgot that I told everyone I was going to take up a sport and compete in the London Olympic Games. Really must get onto that.

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