April 9, 2009

Will Tiger Woods win the Masters?

The Masters golf tournament is under way in Augusta, GA. Chad Campbell leads the tournament after firing an opening round 65, 2 shots off the tournament record.

But as is always the case in most tournaments, there is a Tiger lurking in the shadows.

Four-time winner Tiger Woods is appearing in his first major golf tournament since last year's US Open. Fresh from off-season knee surgery, Woods shot an opening round 2-under par 70. If you believe in omens, this is a bad one for every other golfer.

Woods shot the same opening round of 70 in 3 of his 4 Masters victories.

We wanted to hear what the Twitterverse was saying about Tiger's return to Augusta:

  1. Damien Carrera
    bcodamien Retail maybe recovering in the US - A tentative good sign for the rest of the world - Tiger Woods on the hunt in the Masters!
  2. Mike Cosper
    MikeCosper Thinking that 5 strokes back at Augusta is not a problem for Tiger Woods.
  3. Daniel R Ortega III
    danielthethird Tough start for Tiger Woods at the Masters. Bummer dude.
  4. birdie-blog
    birdieblog By @The_Economy likes Tiger Woods. When he golfs, people watch, ratings go up, advertisers spend $, consumers buy, etc. it all good. #ec ...
  5. Katie Redmond
    star_scapes finding myself getting addicted to the golf again. i predict a weekend in front of the BBC watching Tiger Woods. Yum :D
  6. Jason Osvog
    JVOG Am I the only person in the world rooting against Tiger Woods? Loved the bogey-bogey finish today, he'll be in it on sunday though -
  7. FSR 1200
    fsr1200 Watching the Master's... wondering if we would be doing the same if there were no Tiger Woods???

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