January 31, 2009


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We are presently looking for sponsors to support BT Sports and help it grow.

Breaking Tweets Sports represents an exciting opportunity for organizations seeking to reach a niche audience of people interested in sports. The site specifically targets the 18 to 30-year-old demographic of sports enthusiasts across the world.

Breaking Tweets Sports is a part of the Breaking Tweets Network. In its first month alone, Breaking Tweets had visits from 100 countries and it expects to grow exponentially. It is being indexed well by Google and often appears in top search results for the countries and events it covers plus the word "tweets." The site is also marketing itself through Twitter and Facebook and gets new traffic from these sites everyday.

Those interested in becoming a sponsor or advertiser can contact Breaking Tweets Sports through our Contact page.



BT Sports Co-Editors

Steven Cohen (@stevemco) is a journalism graduate student at DePaul University in Chicago.

Christiana Johns (@cmjohns) is a journalism graduate student at DePaul University in Chicago.

Jon Kerr (@jjkmedia) is a journalism graduate student at DePaul University in Chicago.

BT Founder/Editor

Craig Kanalley (@ckanal) is a journalism graduate student at DePaul University in Chicago.

More staff to be added soon.



Breaking Tweets Sports is the first niche, affiliate site of Breaking Tweets. In contrast to Breaking Tweets, which focuses on world news, BT Sports compiles the latest sports news and Twitter feedback on that news.

In the mold of Breaking Tweets, the philosophy behind this site is "hyperlocal gone global." There is an emphasis on what is happening in a specific place at a specific time and looks at how people are reacting to that event(s) in the area.

Tweets are manually selected by editors and arranged to tell a story in a journalistic style, including transition paragraphs. Tweets are essentially treated as quotes. Those with pictures, videos, and/or eyewitness accounts from the scene are priority, while tweets with instant reaction to the news will also be selected.

Sites on the Breaking Tweets Network seek to prove the value of Twitter as both a breaking news source and journalistic platform.

Follow Breaking Tweets Sports on Twitter @BTsports.


Serena wins Aussie Open

Per Sky News Australia: American Serena Williams is eyeing her second Grand Slam after handing Dinara Safina a "devastating" defeat, 6-0, 6-3, in the women's finals.

The initial reaction from Australia came in different flavors.

@larryhudson (Melbourne): Still stunned at Serena Williams' performance. Disappointing but amazing.

@ggw_bach (Sydney): so Serena wins again. What a champ.

@djmattyg007 (Melbourne): Safina got steamrolled by Serena Williams. she won in less than an hour 6-0 6-3. kind of boring really.



Featured Athletes
David Beckham
LeBron James
Alex Rodriguez
Ichiro Suzuki
Mark Teixeira
Michael Vick

Athletes on Twitter
Lance Armstrong @lancearmstrong
Baron Davis @Baron_Davis
Patrik Elias @pelias
Natalie Gulbis @natalie_gulbis
Dwight Howard @dwight_howard
Lisa Leslie @LisaLeslie
Eli Manning @eli_manning
Steve Nash @the_real_nash
Shaquille O'Neal @the_real_shaq
Paul Pierce @paulpierce34
Kerry Rhodes @kerryrhodes
Jalen Rose @jalenrose
CC Sabathia @CC_Sabathia
Curt Schilling @gehrig38
Charlie Villanueva @CV31
Serena Williams @serenajwilliams

Coaches on Twitter
Pete Carroll @PeteCarroll
Alvin Gentry @AlvinGentry
Terry Francona @TerryFrancona

Know of other athletes or coaches on Twitter? Send us a message @BTsports. If we can verify the account through an official team source or official Web site, we'll add it to this page.



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