May 18, 2009

Monday Night Football booth: Kornheiser out, Gruden in

In a bit of a surprise announcement, Tony Kornheiser has stepped down as analyst on Monday Night Football. He'll be replaced by Jon Gruden, recently fired by the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

The afraid-of-flying Kornheiser said in a statement he was concerned about the upcoming schedule, which he thought to be too grueling.

Gruden joins Ron Jaworski and Mike Turico in what should be a wildly entertaining broadcast.

Still no announcement yet on PTI's Twitter page, Kornheiser's television show, but Tweets are flying this morning about the news:

  1. Derek Ponamsky
    DerekPonamsky Jon Gruden on MNF is a great fit. I always thought of him as the next Madden with his Raiders lineage, here ya go. Perfect fit for TV booth.
  2. levitynyc
    levitynyc Tony Kornheiser is all class for the grace he is leaving the MNF booth with.
  3. Ben Liebman
    benliebman How can we lose TK for Gruden on the MNF booth. It's like going from the muppets to Howard the duck
  4. Eblack
    Eblack Hate to say it, because I love PTI, but I'm glad TK is off MNF. He was terrible, quite frankly. (no Stephen A Smith)

That's the first 'Howard the Duck' reference in BTsports history, in case you were wondering. A few members of ESPN's family of analysts Tweet about the booth switch; all aboard the Chucky TV train:

  1. Chris Mortensen
    mortreport I know Jon loves to coach but he will be a star in the booth. He will grind in TV prep and bring the personality.
  2. Jemele Hill
    jemelehill Gruden on MNF? Interesting.

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