In an interview with ESPN Radio's Mike and Mike morning show, the disgraced former star pitcher continued to dig in his spikes, refusing to admit he took any performance enhancing drugs.
Clemens story is one of tragic comedy; this latest public denial he ever took steroids despite an avalanche of evidence to the contrary provides more fuel for chatter.
Plenty of that in the Twitterverse this morning on the former Rocket:
BonzerWolf Pete Rose never gambled on baseball & Roger Clemens never used steroids. Both belong in the Hall of Shame. NEVER in the Hall of Fame BrandonTierney I get paid to offer opinions, and regarding Roger Clemens, it remains unchanged: I simply do not believe him. mrgeemoney GM tweeters! Woke up listening to Mike & Mike on ESPN and Roger Clemens still lying his ass off! Come on dude you took HGH, just admit! it balrog1 Roger clemens on mike & mike. What a liar. Just admit it and move on. He sounds like an idiot. What an ego on that guy.
Tweets are almost 100% against Clemens from fans. As for the media, no different. They are just as cynical:
SI_JonHeyman its not that he believes his lies. he believes he did it to further alltime great career -- to him, thats public service BobLeyESPN Clemens, sounded nervous? opportune interruption from school-=bound kids? if these drugs are so dangerous, why did he allow wife to be inj? LenBermanSports "Innocent" Roger Clemens on ESPN kept talking about his charity work. Is he looking to get "time served" credit for his community service?